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A Quinn Records TM Catalog


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Oh Baby LIl Aaron Mosby
00:00 / 04:26
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Quinn Records: Boogie City Music On Spotify
Follow this playlist for curated tracks, celebrations , and more.
 Updated monthly!  
In this Post:Gene Poo-Poo Man Anderson, Oliver Johnson, James Gilbert

Quinn Records and Soundcloud! Jazzing it up At Soundcloud
It's all about smooth,modern, staright-ahead jazz music in the Mix! Quinn Records on Soundcloud!
In this Post: Terry "Dewey"Williams, Jimmy Jones, Oliver Johnson, featuring Oliver Sain

The Blues And Nothing But The Blues!
Turn up your volumes with the Blues And Nothing But The Blues music from Lil Aaron Mosby Radio on Pandora...
In this Post: Lil Aaron Mosby, Riley Coatie Morgan, Osee Anderson, Mississippi Red

Hot Soul and R&B!
Get yourself relaxed with some hot soul and R&B music from Oliver Johnson the "guy that the trumpet to soul," on Apple Music...
In this Post:Oliver Johnson & Nite Train

Kevin Wheeler & KL&R2 Letting It Go At Spotify!
Letting It Go! soul,r&b, hip-hop all stirred up in the Mix! KL&R2 on Spotify!
In this Post: Kevin Wheeler & KL&R2

Are You Trying To Funk Your Playlist ?  Follow Ours!
Follow our official Quinn Records TM playlists for today's best Blues/Gospel/Jazz/Soul/R&B/Hip Hop/Dance/Funk & Holiday music.

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